Why Should You Hire A Social Media Agency ?

Social Media has gained popularity rapidly over the last few years. In fact, social media has evolved to such an extent, that businesses have started using it to raise brand awareness. Some businesses even sell products on the social media platforms. In the digital age, where information is a click away, the amounts of choices consumers are presented with are innumerable. Hence, it is now more important for firms to adapt to new technologies to survive & succeed in ever-so-changing business environment.

While most businesses have realized the necessity of being on social media in some form. Most are still trying to go at it alone or hiring a social media agency . Some times these agencies are not adequate of actual marketing strategy & goals. 

When you take on social media for your company, it needs to be part of an overall strategy to produce ROI. Social Media is not just throwing up random write ups on Facebook. While many use it as posting link to twitter or may be just sharing your website link on social media.

The idea that using social media is free is true only in the fact that you don’t need to pay for a profile on most sites.

In order to gain success for your business using social media, it will cost time and effort which means money. There are, of course, cases when a  business can run its own social media program without help. But, a helping hand will prove to be of great help for turning social media into dollar signs for your business.

Just like I’m capable of hammering a nail, that doesn’t mean I can build a house.

Some Reasons You Should Know About Hiring A Social Media Agency

  1. Social Media Agencies Have Experience

When you are a business just getting started on social media, some thinks are quite easy. For example, it’s easy to create your Twitter and Facebook profiles. Or simply send an invite to your contacts to connect with you. But that’s not going to increase your revenue at all.  You need some key insights about posting on platforms like Facebook Algorithm, etc.

Some questions like these can haunt you. What is a Facebook algorithm? There’s a character limit on Twitter posts? Can I post more than pictures on Instagram? What in the world is Snapchat?

Facebook’s algorithm update last year seriously decreased organic reach, forcing businesses to turn more to social media ads. The good news is agencies know how to get the most out of social media with the use of creativity with design, content & video. They’ll also know how to capitalize on timing, posting on social media when breaking news happens or something goes viral.

  1. Get it Right From The Experts 

Social media agencies will also handle all your accounts with ease. From graphic designers to content writers and marketing executives, social media agencies are filled with industry experts and specialists. This results in innovative and targeted posts that generate desired outcomes. 

They also know what hasn’t worked in the social media space. This can help you avoid failures that have cost other businesses thousands of dollars. This will not only increase your brand’s popularity online, but also improve brand loyalty.

  1. Save your company from a lot of embarrassment

A bad social media campaign could be devastating for your brand and business.

Think about it: What if your business produces social media posts that you find humorous but others believe are offensive?

What if you post something on social media that violates copyrights? Or Your post gets your social media accounts suspended? or – even worse – results in a lawsuit?

Some major brands have recently stumbled mightily on social media.

Dove, which brands itself as “the home of real beauty,” is known for empowering women. But a recent Facebook post by the company resulted in waves of criticism.

The ad showed a black woman transformed into a white woman after using Dove body lotion. The ad did more to alienate and insult Dove’s targeted audience rather than leverage its already-strong brand. The backlash led to Dove removing the ad from Facebook and issuing an apology.

  1. Cost Effective 

Hiring a Digital Marketing Executive, Ad Specialist, Content Writer, Graphic Designer, etc  might burn a hole in your pocket. But hiring a social media agency save those extra pennies & give company’s social media presence a GENUINE boost.

  1. Social Media Tips & Tricks 

Staying on top of all of the new social media sites is hard enough as it is.

“Which social profile does my business need?”

“Why is Twitter different from Facebook and Google Plus?”

“Is LinkedIn just for business relationships?”

Then there are different tools to manage each of your accounts, some better than others. Many tools are similar with only slight differences.

Do you have the time to keep up with all the new tools for social media management. Do you have the time to test them all out and find which is best for your business? 

I personally love to keep up with the constantly new information, ideas, strategies and tools in the social media industry.

It’s a social media agency’s job to keep up with this stuff so that it doesn’t have to be your job, too.

What Is Your Experience With Social Media Agencies?

Have you hired a social media agency? If you are part of a social media agency, how do you cost your model ?

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